My Journey


Once upon a time…

there was a young girl who realized if she didn’t get serious about her education, she wouldn’t be able to care for herself and would be in big trouble. She wanted security and a safe home with all her heart, a place that would bring her joy. However, she also realized if she didn’t do this for herself, no one would be giving it to her.


Every day…

she did her best and worked tirelessly to be independent and self-sufficient. While on her journey there were others that needed her help, and she loved to help others. However, she just added to her load and never slowed down.


Until one day…

she had a beautiful husband, home, community, and career. However, she never stopped living like she was in scarcity. She continued trying to take on everything while not saying no enough and she didn’t slow down or properly take care of herself.


Because of that…

she got very sick and didn’t even understand how sick. She said, “I’ll stop for a bit then go back when I feel better.” However, she went back too quickly and wasn’t honest with herself or others about how she was really doing. This time she got worse than she had been before. She was left with the incredibly hard choice to do the thing she didn’t even know scared her the most… to have faith.


Until finally…

she realized that she had a problem, she lived in fear of scarcity.  She accepted a quest which led her to a faraway land in search of people that could help in Scottsdale, AZ. There she learned many things, but one truly profound thing: she realized her biggest fear, if she couldn’t provide for herself, all her security would fall apart.

However, when she looked around it was evident that this was a big evil lie.  Life wasn’t perfect, but she had everything she needed: a loving husband, a community of amazing and supportive people, a warm and cozy home complete with furry muppets to make her laugh and comfort her with cuddles.  Suddenly living a life free from this fear seemed within her grasp and so she started to make plans to heal.  It would take much preparation and no small measure of bravery for the journey that lay ahead, the uncomfortable, scary, unknown journey.

The rest of the story is the future, and I’m excited about the possibilities.

They lived happily ever after …

“Worrying about scarcity is our culture’s version of post-traumatic stress. It happens when we’ve been through too much, and rather than coming together to heal (which requires vulnerability) we’re angry and scared and at each other’s throats.”

— Brené Brown

Some deets

Like any good story, there are a lot of plot twists and complicated explanations.  I’ve loved creating art for, well, as long as I can remember.  My lovely momma recognized this and nurtured it.  When it was time for me to go to college I decided to pour my creativity into what would earn a living, because money was in short supply.  So I worked full-time while attending college and when emergency after emergency started happening, I just never stopped.

Fast forward many years.  Enter the big PLOT TWIST… dun dun DUHHHHHH

In 2016, I was diagnosed with Cancer during what was already a very difficult year.  The good news was it wasn’t aggressive and was treatable by removing an organ.  We thought, “Good news!” and believed the recovery wouldn’t be too severe, but after a few months, I only got worse.  My doctors made limited progress diagnosing the problem so I had to go looking for answers.  However, I needed to return to work and life so I just “put on some gansta rap and handled it.”

I pushed on, until 7 months later a new doctor looked at me and said, “You have Lyme disease, I fought it for 17 years and you are like looking at a medical reflection of myself.”  I wasn’t sure. After all, I'd been tested 7 years earlier and was negative.  Well, he was right, and a new round of tests showed it was something I’d had for years.  As a result of the extreme stress that year caused by cancer, surgery, and grief my immune system finally lost the battle I’d been fighting for years.

The disease and co-infections had infiltrated my nervous system (brain infection), and cardiovascular system before I was diagnosed.  When I finally started treatment in October of 2017 I was so sick I could barely walk, think, or drive.

Wow, sad story right? Or is it?

The thing is, now, in so many ways I’m so much happier than I’ve ever been.  Yes, I’m still in treatment and it’s not easy but I’m becoming the me I was always meant to be. I doubt I would have ever quit my career and changed my life if I wasn’t broken like a glow stick.  Sometimes life is like a whisper, it’s only when you slow down and listen that you hear what’s most important.  Fear isn’t evil, but it can become evil if you let it control you. It can be a controlling and abusive asshat.  That’s the thing about living in scarcity, you are always waiting for the other shoe to drop.

In March of 2020 I resigned my position as a Creative Director days before the pandemic became real in America. Because it has been such a difficult year I started creating more of these “feel good muppets” for people to cheer them up. I wanted to make people feel special, and to help them remember that there is beauty and love even when things feel hopeless. I had no plan to keep creating them, or to love them so much. I really never expected others to react as they did, kinda like, “AWW, can I get one?.” Deep down, we all need the warm fuzzies to remind us of the good and this is how Just Feel Good Art was started!